How to write responsive curriculum vitae ?

Your first task is to work out what you need to include in your CV. A CV is a record of your qualifications (education and on-the-job training), work experience and skills.

It should be written in report style (i.e. bullet points, short sentences and small paragraphs) NOT in essay style with long sections of prose.

Writing a good CV is tricky: the message must be right but so must its appearance.

Your CV should persuade employers that you are the right person for the job and that they should offer you an interview.

There are many companies and websites offering advice on writing a good CV. Some will even write one for you. But it is possible to write an excellent CV yourself.

Here’s some key points to consider.

Identify the right personal details to include. Learn what to add and what to leave out, such as whether to include your marital status or nickname.

Add a personal statement. Find out what one is and how it can be used to focus a potential employer’s attention on your best attributes.

Know what to include in the skill section. Discover how to bring your skills to the fore and make sure you understand the difference between transferable, job-related and adaptive skills.

Mention former jobs. Brush up on the best ways to present former or current employment in a way that shows you in the best light.

Don’t forget your qualifications. Learn what to include, how to select relevant qualifications for a particular CV and why not listing everything exhaustively is crucial.

Tailor it to the application. Gain skills with writing a CV that is adapted to an individual employer or a particular sector of industry to get the best results.

Keep it up to date. Find out the best ways of keeping your CV up to date so that it is ready to go at a moment’s notice.
