Unemployment rate is falling in ireland

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for September 2018 was 5.4%, down 0.2% from the revised rate of 5.6% in August 2018 and down from 6.6% in September 2017. The seasonally adjusted number of persons unemployed was 129,400 in September 2018, down from 134,200 when compared to the August 2018 figure and a decrease of 26,800 when compared to September 2017.
Summary points for September
- In September 2018 the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 5.7% for males, down from 5.8% in August 2018 and down from 6.9% in September 2017.
- The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for females in September 2018 was 5.1%, down from 5.4% in August 2018 and down from 6.3% in September 2017.
- The seasonally adjusted number of males unemployed in September 2018 was 73,200, down from 75,000 in August 2018. In September 2018 the seasonally adjusted number of females unemployed was 56,200, a decrease of 3,000 when compared to August 2018.
- The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for persons aged 15-24 years (youth unemployment rate) was 12.9% in September 2018, a decrease from 13.9% in August 2018.